Wednesday, September 15, 2010

CT Scan Results

We went back to Sudbury to get the results of the CT scan and again its more news we didn’t want to hear, we were hoping the tumor shrunk a lot but it really didn’t. It is about the same size….thankfully it isn’t growing :) As we spoke with the doctor the plans remain the same to keep on going with the chemo. I had to have it delayed a week again because my platelet’s just don’t want to recover. I also have the pain back which means there is some type of activity there again. That was enough for that day…..the next day, yesterday the doctor calls me that the blood test results came back and my calcium is very high again and I will need the drug to bring it down. Also my platelets are a bit lower now so no chemo again….my pain is not too bad, I don’t need to take any meds for the pain yet.
I am so amazed again at how God works through His people and their prayers….yesterday I was just getting really tired and sad from these results again….but instead of spiraling down into pity for myself, for some unexplainable reason (I believe Gods people were praying) I was given this joy and peace and ability to look up again and “ see Him, high and lifted up” there is a bigger picture, there is a purpose, God loves me and has this all orchestrated for my good….nothing comes to Him as a surprise. I have been given another day to LIVE, that means I have a purpose, a reason for being here today….what am I going to do with it? I don’t want to waste it…I can pray, I can love my family, I can talk/write to people, I can help someone, etc. there are so many opportunities out there, will I seize them or let them go by because I am too busy worrying about myself. This is the challenge that I face daily…please pray that I would be able to keep my eyes on the things that are important and real and let the things of this earth grow strangely dim.
I don’t remember if I shared this song but it was in my head all yesterday so…be blessed….this is my story….

Day by Day

Day by day and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here: trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment, I’ve no cause for worry or for fear. He whose heart is kind beyond all measure, gives unto each day what He deems best, lovingly its part of pain and pleasure, mingling toil with peace and rest.

Every day the Lord Himself is near me, with a special mercy for each hour; all my cares He fain would bear and cheer me, He whose name is Counselor and Power. The protection of his child and treasure, is a charge that on Himself He laid; as your days, your strength shall be in measure, this the pledge to me He made.

Help me then in every tribulation so to trust Your promises, O Lord. That I lose not faith’s sweet consolation, offered me within your Holy Word. Help me, Lord when toil and trouble meeting, ever to take, as from a father’s hand, one by one, the days, the moments fleeting, till I reach the promised land. A hymn written by: CS Berg

Keep praying….I need it :)
In His Hands,


  1. Dearest Miriam...Your trust in the Lord is inspiring...We are praying for you daily and for your family..So true about living for the day and making each one special...You are a true gift Miriam...Thanks be to God for having you in our lives.....Love to you and hugs ...Tara

  2. Thank you for such an encouraging letter Miriam!!!

    Love you so much !!!!

    your Bro Ed

  3. Thank you for sharing your Walk with all of us. Knowing that we serve a God who is here and now, continually caring and engaged with us on such a deep level is faith building. You've been inspiring all of us to know that no matter what path God has chosen for us, He is there personally and will take us through with His joy and victory. With sooo much love - Ani

  4. Our dear Miriam . . . Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings as you continue to walk with the Lord along the path He has chosen for you. You and your family are never far from our thoughts and, as the Holy Spirit prompts our hearts, we pray for each one of you. The following are some writings that have been of encouragement and comfort to us in the past. We trust they will be the same for you.

    "In God's management of the affairs of men, suffering is never senseless."
    - Elisabeth Elliott

    ". . . it is precisely when we do not have what we would ask for and only then, that we can clearly perceive His all-sufficiency. It is when the sea is moonless that the Lord has become my Light."
    - Amy Carmichael

    "And only Heaven is better than to walk with Christ at midnight over moonless seas."
    - Elisabeth Elliott

    PSALM 22 -
    Septuagint Title: 'Concerning the Morning Aid'

    "The titles of the Psalms in the [Septuagint] give us many thoughts. When we think of
    Psalm 22, we think most of the darkness and suffering of Calvary. We know that it was in our Saviour's mind through those most awful hours; He quoted the first verse; He fulfilled all the verses. Even though there is a burst of triumphant joy in that psalm of pain, it is chiefly the pain that comes to mind when we think of it. But its title is not about pain, it is a word of beautiful joy: 'Concerning the Morning Aid'. As I pondered this, my thoughts were led on to a familiar New Testament story: "It was now dark and Jesus was not come to them. . . . They see Jesus walking on the sea." [John 6:17, 19]. Looking back on that night the most vivid memory must have been, not the darkness or the weariness, not the great wind and the rough sea, but the blessed Morning Aid that came before the morning.

    So let us not [fear too greatly] the storm of the night. "The darkness hideth not from Thee" [Psalm 139:12]; "He saw them toiling in rowing" [Mark 6:48]. The wind was contrary unto them, perhaps it is contrary to us now. But, just when things were hardest in that tiredest of all times [between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.], just then, He came.

    "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you" [John 14:18], He said, and He does come. He always will come. "His coming is as certain as the morning" [Hosea 6:3-French version]. His Morning Aid comes before the morning. If we do not see Him coming, even so, He is on His way to us. More truly, He is with us. "I am with you all the days, and all the day long." [Matthew 28:20-Moule translation]."
    - Amy Carmichael

    "Thy consolations have soothed my soul."
    Psalm 94:19 [Septuagint]
    Lovingly, Helen & Peter Rennie

  5. Our love and prayers are with you. Jesse and Sarah

  6. Dear Mariam....
    Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you , Nandor and the children. Thank you for your example to us all, in that when we're facing mountains in our lives, regardless of the outcome, give God all the glory and honour! May God continue to be your source of comfort and strength. This song has been on my heart today..., just thought I'd share it with you. Blessings.....
    Shelley Morin and Family

    Run From the Cure: The Rick Simpson Story

    Been reading your blog for a while. Am starting THC having finished conventional treatment and officially in remission. I also take turmeric 1/2 tsp. 3x/day (along with some black pepper to facilitate absorption) which is purported to kill cancer cells. The turmeric regime HAS knocked out my full body arthritis.
    Hope you look into these things if you have not already.

  8. Thinking of you and praying sweetie~
    Mandy, Michael, Ted,
    Chris & Holly

  9. Hi Miriam,
    I've been so inspired by reading your blogs. Your faith is unshakable and your spirit so bright - it's so uplifting and I want to thank you for sharing yourself with all of us. You are truly a gift. Keep shining Miriam.

  10. Hi Mariam

    Glad to hear that you are back home from the hospital. Keep your Angel close to you for strength. God Bless and keep in touch.

    Marian & Leo
