Thursday, July 29, 2010


Its been a week since I had my chemo treatment. Wow what a difference….God has brought me relief, sweet Sat-Sun the time between taking my pain meds kept increasing…honestly I kept forgetting to take them….but that is a good thing because that meant the pain was subsiding and the tumor is shrinking??!!. (we hope) By Mon I was totally off the pain meds and feeling really good. The doc told us if this chemo works, it will happen fast and praise be to God it did…Its a lot easier chemo treatment this time, I just has some sores in my mouth and esophagus but no nausea. At this point my hair is still in tact but they said that will probably go again :(
My family doc called to see how I was doing yesterday and was very pleased…he said just roll with it and enjoy….and that is exactly what we are doing….Christina and Ryan and kids are coming tomorrow for the long weekend, my friend Mary is coming to visit from California next week….and if I feel good we’ll make more plans…

I had this verse sent to me this week and I just wanted to share it… Its absolutely amazing that something Jesus said to a fisherman in Jerusalem, who was confused, scared, and not having much faith at the time would mean SO much to a confused, scared etc. child of His in Trout Creek almost 2000 years later….You just can’t get more personal than that….words cannot express it but I feel loved….

Jesus said, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will understand later.” John 13:7

Please keep praying...
In His Hands

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Report from visit to Sudbury

When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, Its is well with my soul. (v1 of Hymn “It is well with my soul”)

I thank you all again for praying for us as we went up to Sudbury for our appointment yesterday. He is so faithful in answering….Christ with His peace attended with us and I can truly say….IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL….

It was more information that we did NOT want to hear again…but knowing Gods hand is in it makes it go down sweet, just like a spoonful of sugar with bitter medicine.

There is one more tumor on the liver, which makes it 5 now. Doc gave us 2 options, one is not doing anything which would mean soon the tumor would get so big that it would shut down the liver etc, so that is pretty self explanatory.

Other one is putting me on chemo to try to shrink the tumor. This time its not kill the whole tumor but control it. It’s a different chemo that I had before and the doc is hopeful that it will at least bring it under control and relieve the pain. Sometimes between cycles there can be many days and months of relief.

The tumor is inoperable….it would be too much for my body to handle with recovery etc…doc thinks the time could be better used trying chemo.

All the other areas they tested, bone scan, pelvis, abdomen etc are all clear, that was really good to hear.

Please pray that this chemo would be tolerated and it will shrink the tumor.

Please pray that God would continually give grace and strength to myself and my family that through this we can show the world and all the heavenly beings observing this drama how great and worthy of praise our God is.

I also pray for you that are reading this blog, if you know the Lord, press on, keep trusting even if this doesn’t make much sense now, you WILL be praising Him for it in Glory. Then for my friends and family that don’t know the Lord, please seek Him, you will never regret it….He will show Himself to you, you just come as you are.

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us…for we were saved in this Hope… Romans 8:18, 24a.

In His Hands,

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Something new

Yesterday I started getting some excruciating pain on my right side. Went to ER and they figure it is coming from the tumor on my liver. They gave me Percaset, its not really doing much. It is pretty painful......I am going to my oncologist Mon morning at 8:00am when I will get all the results from the scans and get this pain under control.

I would like to ask for prayer, that Gods grace would richly sustain me and help me go through this.

In His Hands,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Another Amazing Story!!!!

My sister in law Angela shared this with me. Please read the June 23 post and be blessed and encouraged....God is working His grand and glourious plan all over the world....and we mere humans are graciously given the ablity to see little glimpses.....Praise be to God....

Please pray for Joni as she embarks on her next battle. All for the Glory of God!!!!


P.S. There is always someone worse off than us in our perspective but in Gods economy its His perfect plan.

Writing from Sudbury (posting a few days later)

I am so blessed for having the Lord watch so closely after me. I have been having light nausea for the last 10-15 days; it’s been getting worse, so last week I called my oncologist. They set me up for an appointment Wed (squeezed me in before the holiday) Well thanks be to God, after a lot of testing they found that the calcium level in my blood was way up high in the critical level, usually people are in a coma at this level. They immediately admitted me to start getting it lowered and to re hydrate me. Bad things happen to major organs if this doesn’t get resolved quickly. So as I write today (Thursday) these things are getting resolved quite nicely. But now the next and bigger question is why did my body do this? So far we just treated the symptom. He is now sending me for a bone scan, abdominal, lung and brain scan. These should indicate what caused this…we hope. It’s typically a sign the cancer is active somewhere in my body.

Its always so exciting to write down some of the providential things that happened, you just cannot deny that Gods hands are in all this…..we were planning on a trip to Ohio for the long week end so I would have been a lot farther along in the critical state…..I got an appointment before the weekend….I got admitted, they had a bed…….I am in the hospital so the scans can get done here and now…. I would have had to wait a lot more in North Bay to get these tests done…..and on top of all this I got a private room….God is so amazing…

Again we ask for your prayers. We know you are praying and that’s why we ask because God is faithful and He answers His children’s prayers. Not that this is an easy place to be but His grace just keeps coming every morning and lasts well into the night. Then when we wake up it’s a whole new batch of fresh grace and He is not stingy….He just pours it on. We are having awesome days as a family full of laughter and giggling….the peace that God put on every inch of this household is mind-boggling....Nandor is busy doing some projects around the house, children are busy and having fun with all the summer activities…

“Therefore we do not lose heart, even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.” 2 Cor 16-18

Also please pray that this would be more and more true of the whole family. I wish I could explain it but the real me “inward man” is so full of hope and joy that sometimes I just break down and cry and ask God why me? Why am I your child? But the good news is that is can be any of yours that are reading this blog….God loves you and wants this for everyone who believes in Him… John 3:16.

And please pray for this “outward man” also, I have been feeling touch and day good next not so good. Pray that the Lord would intervene and heal my body, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt He can do it if its His will and plan.

We love you all,
In His Hands