Saturday, June 13, 2009

Follow Up and New Diagnosis

Yesterday we went to Sudbury for a follow up with the surgeon and then my oncologist. I have healed well as far as the surgery is concerned. I had been concerned with ongoing bleeding but that has been a good thing, its my body cleaning itself. The pathology report was not as good. The tumors I had removed are a different cancer than they originally thought. It is an even more rare (1:million ) and a very aggressive type. The prognosis isn’t too good either.

Monday morning I will be starting chemo treatments for the next 3 months. 4 rounds of 3 weeks. Because of the rare type of cancer the doctors are just guessing/hoping this will work. The cocktail they will use doesn’t usually cause a lot of nausea, I will have numbness in fingers/toes (which I am used to with my MS) differences in tastes and will probably loose my hair. I have a prescription for a wig so I asked Nandor if he wants a blonde for a change. LOL Treatments will be done in North Bay so that will be nice and close to home. Nandor, Rebekah and my friend Tara will be transporting me as needed. The first week I go for 5 days, each day will be about 2 hours given intravenously. The next week I go Monday and the next week Monday again. Then the whole thing starts again.

We are still absorbing this news slowly, it doesn’t seem real yet. Yes, its scarry standing in front of all the unknowns….BUT I am more than confident that God is with me. I am His child…behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!! Every molecule in this universe down to every cell in my body is safely and totally in the control of His loving hand. There is no such thing as mistakes, bad luck etc., I am not a statistic or a number, I am on a mission to show off His glory and goodness!!! And He promised that whatever He calls us to, He will give us the strength and courage to fulfill.

This mornings devotional reading was just perfect. God even had that planned for today. My peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives…LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED, NEITHER LET IT BE AFRAID…
So this is where I stand this morning surrounded by His peace. Really its just unexplainable but REAL!!!!

Please keep praying that my family and I can keep trusting Him moment by moment and that things will go well Monday with my first treatment. Pray that the chemo will be effective and kill the cancer.

In His Hand,

Please feel free to send this blog address on to anyone you think would be interested. I don’t have several of my extended family's email addresses but trust you guys can help me out with that. thanks


  1. Miriam and family...Please know you are all in our thoughts and prayers...Praise be to God for his Glory and let it shine upon you during this difficult time...Love to you all ..Tara and family....xo

  2. I liked your comment about your wig, I think you would look good as a blonde!
    God is good and will be glorified through you. You are a wonderful example, and believe me, the medical staff will see the difference in you! His love and light will shine through you to them.
    God Bless you, we love you,
    Rob and Sheila Marton.

  3. Miriam, we are speechless. May God give you comfort and strength. We will be praying for you. We love you so much. Lots of hugs.
    Stephen and Melinda Bodjanac

  4. Dan and Lorna HarangozoJune 13, 2009 at 9:03 PM

    Miriam, we love you and pray that God's sustaining grace will carry you through this huge trial. It's awesome to know that you are in the hands of your heavenly Father who is all wise, all powerful, and loves you more than you can imagine. Thanks so much for doing this blog-- it's beautiful. You're refreshing and encouraging us in our own walk with the Lord as we see the unshakeable faith He has given you. May His grand purposes be carried out in and through you as you go on this journey. Love, Lorna

  5. Miriam I am so refreshed by your faith in our Lord! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts - they encourage me to trust Him more and more. I often struggle with the anxiety of "what if something happened to So-and-so", etc. In fact, as a baby Christian the first passage I recall memorizing was Philippians 4:6,7.
    I found this quote when I was reading the biography of Elizabeth Prentiss. It was something her father wrote late in his life:
    “O what a blessed thing it is to lose one’s will. Since I have lost my will I have found happiness. There can be no such thing as disappointment to me, for I have no desires but that God’s will might be accomplished. Christians might avoid much trouble if they would only believe what they profess, viz., that God is able to make them happy without anything but Himself. They imagine that if such a dear friend were to die, or such and such a blessing removed, they should be miserable, whereas God can make them a thousand times happier without them. To mention my own case, God as been depriving me of one blessing after another, but as every one was removed He has come and filled up its place, and now, when I am cripple and unable to move, I am happier than ever I was in my life before or expected to be, and if I had believed this twenty years ago I might have been spared much anxiety.”
    –Edward Payson (1783-1827)
    Anyway, Miram, to me you are that lovey Christian who has given her will completely over to the Lord. You are already glorifying His precious name!
    Much Love,
    Christina R. Harangozo

  6. Your attitude is an encouragement to all and we continue to hold you and your family up before the Lord in prayer as you go down this difficult road He has called you to travel. With Him ALL things are possible! I, too, like Sheila, loved your comment about the blond wig. You inspire me , Miriam, with your shining example of living faith. God bless. xo, Martha

  7. Just got the link, we're so glad you sent it, we were wondering how you were doing. You and your family have been in our prayers continually this past month. There is no one like our God, and we will continue to call upon Him to assist you in this time of need.
    Mark & Sandra Delic

  8. Your baby sister, ChristinaJune 15, 2009 at 7:02 AM

    I love you Miriam and you are still giving wisdom as you are writing these updates to all that read it. God bless you! I am heartbroken and without words to how i feel that i cannot be closer to you today...but i am praying hard today for the Holy Spirit to make himself felt and known to your whole body and to the people in that room! cause He will bring you the ultimate joy...Love you forever,Christina

  9. Hey guys.... We love you and miss you...!
    We just heard this weekend.....
    Our prayers and thoughts are with you guys...!
    May the good Lord hold you and keep you in His Hands....!
    May He give you enough.....
    (someone sent me a poem, i will forward)
    and by the way blond may be interesting.....
    With all our LOVE and PRAYERS.....
    Renee John & Family...... Be BLESSED

  10. Miriam, We are lifting you and your precious family to God. Recently I read, "The most difficult thing for us to do sometimes is accept and rest in God's love for us. We think the amount of love He has for us is proportional to who we are and what we've done. Rather, God's love has everything to do with who He is and what He's done. He has made the first step in love toward us." Good and true words. In Psalm 33:22 it says, "May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in You."

  11. Miram;
    I was shocked to hear the update of this journey you've been on. Even in the midst of such terrible circumstances, you have encouraged MY heart with your attitude of praise! We stand behind you and your family in prayer, knowing that God does all things well. Praise God that life here on this earth is not the end....we are ALL just passing through!

    Psalms 73:26
    "My health fails; my spirits droop, yet GOD remains! He is the strength of my heart; He is mine forever!" PTL

    Shelley and Mark Morin

  12. Grant & Carolyn PrinceJune 15, 2009 at 2:58 PM

    Hello Miriam & Nandor:-)

    Just wanted to send a hug. Grant & I will keep you in our prayers. Gods healing power is unmeasurable. I too think you'd look kinda cute as a blonde:-) Praying for continued strength during this journey you and your family are on. God Bless you Miriam!See you at the Annual BBQ @ Wil & Tara's!

  13. Hello Miriam

    Hi this is Vanessa Harrigan.
    Ryan Hawley little sister I will be praying for you I dont know if you now that I am going though chome to all that I know that prays do help and God is there for you and your family. I was told to keep him in your heart and he will answer all your prayers. I would like to email you if you dont mind.You can get my email from Ryan or your sister talk to you soon.
    From Vanessa
